Our Team

Photo of Ron Klabunde

Founder and CEO

In 2 sentences, tell us who you are, where you are from, and what you do for GenFeeds: I’m father to 3 children and husband to an amazing woman who ensures my life stays on track. From my home in Raleigh, NC, I serve as the Founder and CEO of Generosity Feeds. And while that might sound fancy, don’t let it fool you; the Generosity Feeds team makes the magic happen. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is: Embrace risk as the theme of my life. Why? Because all attempts to find a safer life, to live by the expectations of others, kill the soul in the end. What advice would you give a candidate who wants to join our team of superstars? Embrace Humility by Leading with Questions… Not with Answers. My favorite word in the English language is: Inspire. Which is why the most inspiring part of my job is inspiring others to maximize their intellectual, relational, and financial capital as “A Force for Good” in our world. The most important thing I learned before high school was: Riding a tricycle naked is fun! And no. I have not tried this since outgrowing my tricycle. If I were a superhero, my superpower would be: Teleporting. When I was 5, I was pretty sure I’d be a ___ when I grew up: A doctor.

800 E. Rochambeau Dr.
Suite F, #149
Williamsburg, VA 23188