Non Profit

Join The Movement

Generosity Feeds is working to feed hungry children in every county across America.

By partnering with Generosity Feeds, you become a catalyst for mobilizing hundreds of people in your non-profit and/or community to create 10,000 or more meals, in less than 2 hours, for children in your area who struggle with hunger.

This gives you the opportunity to expand your reach as a non-profit in your community while working to decrease the debilitating effects of food insecurity on children in your area.

How will doing a Generosity Feeds event benefit my organization?


On a Public Level

We work with you to address child hunger needs in your community through a meal creation event.

On a Social Level

We work with you to expand your volunteer base in your community.

On a Financial Level

We work with you to access city-wide resources for funding.
This initiative will expand your organization’s relationships, credibility, and impact while feeding hungry children in your local community.

How is it possible to package 10,000 meals in less than 2 hours?

What Are You Waiting For?

Fill out the form below to learn more

800 E. Rochambeau Dr.
Suite F, #149
Williamsburg, VA 23188